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Printed electronics

Conventional electronics are very limited in terms of flexibility。Our technical strength enables flexible printing of all kinds of customized electronic products。
Sensor and electrical functions can be set on the blank surface of the product。Low position flexible structures can be achieved directly by designing printing and printed electronics。

Product information
Capacitive keyboard  

The touch sensing system can be printed directly to a flexible substrate in the form of a single button, slider or matrix, such as a film, glass plate or other surface (such as a case surface, etc.)。

A touch sensing film can be attached to the back of a non-conductive surface, thus turning such a surface into a film keyboard。

Direct printing of chassis components with touch sensing systems can effectively integrate production steps, save resources, reduce material consumption, thereby reducing material costs and reducing the risk of long-term stable use of adhesive joints。

To ensure reliable signal evaluation, our sensing electronics are equipped with specialized flat connectors that instantly connect to existing systems。

The necessary signal evaluation can also be performed directly on the thin film。Even if there are water droplets or dirt on the surface, it can ensure normal work。

  • Combined with image printing, cost savings
  • Plug and play sensor surface and controller solutions
  • Reduce failure risk
  • Can be printed directly on alternative surfaces
  • Good optical transparency
  • No mechanical grinding
  • Sealed surface, easy to clean


Printed antenna  

RFID products require antennas of different geometric shapes, which is determined by the specific application。We optimize the antenna geometry based on electrical data (not limited to RFID products)。We'll design the antenna geometry you need and print it with our proven conductive copper technology。

Compared with conductive silver, conductive copper technology has a wider application range, faster potential reading and higher data transmission rate。

In addition, we use NFC and RFID chips to integrate passive digital recognition into the film as well。

NFC technology can also act as an interface to connect machines, enabling them to transmit conditions scanning or measurement data, for example。As a result, a high level of IP protection can be achieved without penetrating the chassis。

A wide range of digital products can be implemented, such as tamper-proof seals, humidity sensors, process monitoring cards, and input systems using NFC interfaces。

  • Up to 7cm thanks to conductive copper technology
  • Can be integrated directly into the front film and film keyboard
  • The contents of the memory are password protected
  • Suitable for a variety of potential applications
  • Even in small-scale production, it can be easily and cost-effectively integrated into existing systems
Also available:

Pressure sensing system:

  • Light and light
  • It can also be combined with other sensors
  • Sensing electronics can be integrated for better scalability
  • The customer's design can be integrated directly into the sensor

Printing heater:

  • Light, light and flexible
  • Can be integrated into touch screens and touch screen systems
  • Automatic adjustment or with integrated measuring electronics
  • Up to continuous operation200℃(Depends on the whole system)


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Add: 1001 Jiaqian Road, Nanxiang Town, Jiading District, Shanghai

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Copyright © 2020 Mecano Components (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.All right reserved Shanghai ICP for 05020652-1 Shanghai public network security 31011402006483号